Back in Annapolis

Update: We are back in Annapolis, MD.

After a long run with difficult conditions, we sailed all the way down the Chesapeake when the engine developed a fuel delivery problem. With wind on the nose and more than 50 nautical miles to go, we made the call to turn and sail back to Annapolis for repairs. It was a good call. At 10:55 am on the 16th, we turned north and had a glorious, relaxing down-wind sail and drifted through the night all the way to Thomas Point before getting helped in. Here’s Cap’n Pat’s email to the fleet:

Greetings from Shaboom, safely back in slip at Annapolis City Marina. We had a great run… until we didn’t, then it became interesting. Something to do with fuel delivery, and I didn’t want to mess with my newish engine and later hear “Repair woulda been half the cost if you hadn’t tried to do my job”! 🙂

If anyone needs something delivered to Lewes, please don’t hesitate to drop me a note or give me a call. Half of my crew flew in from Las Vegas and have never been to Delaware (and we hear there’s going to be libations served!) so it wouldn’t be any trouble.

For those of you thinking this is a race of some sort, two marks have been set already for you to beat: Longest Segment Actually Sailed Because We Had To: 43.3hrs, and Corrected Time*: Annapolis to Annapolis – 51.5hrs

Sail safe, sail brilliantly, and we’ll see you soon-

(* Based on reinventing the planned route)

We pulled back into Annapolis City Marina just as the weather let loose, reinforcing our decision (If anyone can navigate that BoatUS Unlimited Towing package, it’s Pat). We were happy. We had some great sailing an celebrated at our favorite Irish pub, Castlebay, in Annapolis for some bangers ‘n’ mash. Can’t deny it, a shower and bed last night was wonderful!!!

– Steve