

Advertising? I’d argue entertainment!!!

Have you noticed our advertising? When I put up this site, I added advertising as a way to help offset my out-of-pocket expenses for hosting this site. Not getting rich or anything, actually not really offsetting costs much at all, but every little bit helps. That said, I don’t get to decide which ads are displayed – Google does. As you are perusing the stories of our sailing adventures, please pay close attention to the add space at bottom right of the page. If you see this add pictured here, please take a moment and click on it. It’s priceless!

Please note, this is NOT an ad endorsed by me in anyway, but the “Water Bosom” is just something too funny to pass up. I don’t really know what to say about it, but I’m thinking many of you will have whitty banter to add. Be sure to watch the video, too, then come back and add your comments here!