Cruising Bucket List

Sorting through my email and I found an article by Clark Beek on about what he feels are the “top-ten” cruising destinations in the world. It is a veritable cruising bucket list of destinations to use as waypoints on a chart to chase after. I enjoyed the list and am adding them to my own bucket list. Here’s the list:

  1. Andaman Thailand – My friend Jill, aboard sistership Daemon (a Kendal 32) spent much of the last year or two in this area. I loved her photos. Thinking this is a definite.
  2. Chagos – Also visited by Daemon during this month’s Indian Ocean crossing – I like places far away from “civilization.” Jill’s photos are so perfect they must be fake.
  3. Sydney, Austrailia – Always dreamed about sailing out of the S.F. Bay under the Golden Gate and into Syndney Harbor, past the Opera House.
  4. New Zealand – ‘Nuf said.
  5. Western Panama – I’d add in Eastern Panama, also – specifically the San Blas Islands – might as well, as you’ll end up transiting the canal no matter what.
  6. Cape Horn – The Everest of sailing, but a cruising destination? Who knew?
  7. Tanzania – Sure, why not?
  8. Vanuatu – Of course! It’s on the milk run across the South Pacific.
  9. Australia’s Top End – If you going around, you’ll go by there, so sure.
  10. Antarctic Peninsula – For me, this is a biggie. I’d love to sail Nereus down there, just to say I did it. Only 300 miles from Cape Horn. If you go that far, why not go all the way.

Article is a good, quick read. Check it out. It helped inspire me.