On the Way, and This Time . . .

June 10, 2010

Snow on April 17, 2009? You’ve got to be kidding me!

This time, I mean it!!!

After more than a year of trying, I’m headed out for a brief visit to good ol’ Nereus. I tried to go last year and failed miserably. I got stuck in some nasty, fluke snow storm in Denver and my connection got cancelled. I ended up just returning to Las Vegas and decided to try again late. Now it is MUCH later, but this year, I am smarter and wiser. I’m routing through Houston, so I’m pretty sure I’ll be safe. The problem is, it is now June and that means it is going to be wickedly hot and humid in Alabama, especially coming from the nice, toasty, dry desert (so much for smarter and wiser).

View from my bar stool in Denver. The irony of the name of the beer on tap did not escape me.

The real impetus for this little adventure is to get my foulies and other associated sailing gear, as I’ll be crewing for Pat Tilson aboard Shaboom for two weeks come August. I’ll need my stuff. This trip, though, will also give me the opportunity to wrap my head around what will need to be done ship board and to prepare as much as possible for transport back out west.

I’m excited & scared at the same time. I am looking forward to seeing my ol’ boat again and scared of the condition I’ll find it in. Oh well. It is a boat. Nothing on it that can’t be fixed.

It’s almost 2:00 am. I’m on a red eye. Time to board. See when I get there.

– Steve

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