Exercise in Futility

Boat life is an interesting social experiment. It is one that is both a complete waste of time, yet one that is completely fulfilling.

During the weeks filling the spaces between my brief time aboard, I usually plan to do and ACCOMPLISH a laundry list of boat items including A, B, C, D, E, F & G. It’s seemingly a good plan; completely doable.

Reality, on the other hand, has a way of throwing a wrench into any plan, well Intended or not. This is evidenced by my completing item M (not even on the list) and starting item C.

But, the weekend is far from a waste. I have spent quality time with like-minded individuals, am attending a BBQ on the docks this evening, and I get to watch the waves carry the world past my stern as I basked in the afternoon sun while drinking a beer from my cold ice box.

Some times, just laying around is more than plenty to do. Ahhhh, ain’t life on the water grand?!
