
After Nereus had spent so much time in not-so-dry storage in Alabama, dry rot had set and the forward bulkhead completely delaminated. It’s a project I’ve been putting off, but the time has come to fix it. I removed the old bulkhead (not too hard as it came out in pieces) and am working up a new one.

My buddy Carl has some beautiful marine plywood here in the desert and I have a template. We plan to cut it out soon and I’ll install shortly there after. It will be quite and upgrade as the 3/4″ marine ply is as heavy duty as it is beautiful. Turns out a half sheet is enough to get the job done. 

Interesting to note that the boat gave up another surprise. While cleaning out bulkhead debrIs under the floorboards, I discovered a quart of Quaker State motor oil. I’ve owned the boat since 1999 and in that time, I’ve never used Quaker State. Just another surprise Nereus comes up with from time to time. Must be a left over from the previous owners (Hi Larry & Patty!!)

Until next time, here’s to smooth sailing. 

– Steve